Saturday 10 January 2009

Carrie's apartment

I recently re watched the Sex and the City film on DVD, originally I preferred her lived in apartment with it's eclectic mix of furniture and books that infused the characters personality. It had a warm loved feel, while the new apartment felt too designed and while I loved the colour blue on the walls, I felt it made the apartment seem smaller by having it painted on all the walls. While the living room could be claimed to be a bit sparse, it had two great pieces of furniture, Aidan's chair that he had made and the coffee table, where the girls gather around for gossip and drinks. The new living space, while pleasing to the eye with it's printed chairs and new shelving appears as though it would be uncomfortable to really relax. However, I do love the draping of the curtains which emphasis the windows also, I think the way the pictures are arranged behind Carrie's new bed is a great design feature. I have seen it in other design magazines and think it's a artistic way to arrange family pictures and makes it a focal point of the room.

Sex and the City production designer Jeremy Conway was asked to build Carrie's original apartment. "In the beginning, there was a great deal of design and thought that went into each of the characters' apartments. We employed a particular color theory for each of them that helped in identifying character and personality. The idea is to be able to look at a room and say, 'Now that's very Carrie.'"
Conway states that the apartment has to be realistic, "The thing about our show, is the stories come out of everyday occurrences," he says. "So it has to seem as if we're getting a look into the way these people really spend each day. It can't be too extravagant or neat as a pin, because let's face it - how many single women live like that?"
"We realized that what Carrie has in her apartment is not what she's all about," Conway explains. "She's not a decorator, but there's definitely a sense of style in the way she's put things together." The walls are a soft shade of celery green washed with a lavender iridescent glaze ("it looks better on screen - it has a glow about it," Conway explains). The size of the apartment is realistic as well: "I try to keep everything small, because that's what New York City apartments are," he says.
The apartment is infused with Carrie's personality, there are shopping bags from Barney's, Jimmy Choo, Bergdorfs and other high end stores, hung on doorknobs. Around the apartment books are stacked containg subjects close to Carrie in regards to fashion and shoes. while the bathroom is adorned with beauty products, we can see Bobbi Brown brushes contained in Krispy Creme donuts mug, christian Dior blush and moisturisers. The fridge in the kitchen is plastered with magnets and family pictures."We've purposely decorated with a little bit of this, a little bit of that," Conway explains. "And definitely lots of little touches that are Sarah Jessica's - it makes her feel like this is really her place, her friends, her life."

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